About Me

My photo
I am a freshman at West Grand High School in Kremmling, CO. I work at my parents coffee shop and enjoy being outdoors

Thursday, December 8, 2011


An argument in Excel is an equation and/or mathematical function. They play a role in my spreadsheet, by doing the math for me.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Difference.

A function refers to a formula. You put a function inside a formula to make that cell do what you want it to do. Such as SUM= or =SUM.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Circular Reference.

A circular reference is a pattern, were you put the cell address of another cell into that cell. So you would put B2 into B1 and so on and so forth. You don't want to do this in your spreadsheet, because you change one number and the rest of the numbers change as well.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Why You Don't!

Three reasons that you don't want to hard code a number in a cell are the following: You would be repeating yourself over an over again, you may forget to apply it to on column and/or row (messing you up in your excel document), and last but not least if you put it somewhere and forget the formula than you have to pretty much restart. 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Hard Code Numbers

You don't want to hard code numbers, because then it will mess your entire excel document. Instead you want to just enter the numbers into one cell, so then if something goes wrong in the equation it won't mess up the entire document just a section, which is very easy to fix.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

How to Define a Negative Number.

How you define a negative number in excel is that you write a formula and/or a equation such as: -(2'2) (I couldn't find the carrot symbol on the keyboard) which would come out to be -4.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Supported Operators?

Supported operators are what we talked about yesterday. An example of a supported operated is =A1<=A2. A supported operator are ways to do math in excel that makes it ten times easier. There was an old program before excel where you had to do all the math on your own, and the program didn't give you assistance.

Monday, November 28, 2011


Formulas sort of confuse me, but I have slowly learned more and more about them. To find the sum of a row or column you do SUM=(  ), or to find the average you do AVERAGE=(    ). If the cell doesn't know how to do what you are asking it will say NAME.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What to Do

You need to go up into your formula bar and change it. Why it is not valid is because it doesn't know what you mean for what you have entered in the cell.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Best Way

I think that making the bridge a little stringing and not so tight. I am not using any kind of logic because it just depends on the bridge that I have to build.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What I Learned on November 15, 2011

Today was a very uneventful day in Desktop Publishing. We read a little about how to name a cell and how you find the right way to do it. My high score today in Cargo Bridge was $1315.

How Can You Tell?

How you can tell that there is something incorrect in your spreadsheet is in the cell there will be words such as Name. This means that excel doesn't understand what you are trying to do or put into the document. To fix it you could go to your formula bar and see what is wrong or you could go to help and figure was isn't right.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Cargo Bridge November 14, 2011

Today I got a low score of 578, which is lame. I learned about assignments and about range.

Statistical Functions

Statistical functions are the statics that are in your excel spread sheet that give you the percentage, total, maximum, and many others. Three examples of statistical functions are =average(    ), =sum(    ), and also =max(  ).

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Strongest Skill

I feel my strongest skill in excel is understanding the vocabulary such as: column, row, range, mouse point, and the others. The things I have found that are similar is that we still have a toolbox, you can insert pictures, and make it personalized.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Cargo Bridge

I found that going up with a slant helped. My high score was $376

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

What I did on November 8, 2011

I truthfully didn't do anything productive today. I checked my email, helped Zach a little, then read my book the rest of  the time:)

Different Formulas

There are many different formulas for excel. There is Sum, which adds up to all the numbers in the column. Another is Average, which will give the average of a column. They are important, because you don't want to have to figure it out all on your own.

Monday, November 7, 2011

What I learned on November 7, 2011

What I learned was how to freeze rows and columns in an excel document. Other than that not much. I wish today could already be Thursday:(

The Formulas

To add the formula to your spreadsheet that will find the difference between two numbers is =sum(    ). You can do this in the formula bar if you please.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

What Happen November 3, 2011

Not much happened today. I completely finished my spreadsheet with the help of Bailey. Thank Goodness It's the Weekend.:)
       ITS THE WEEKEND !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Problems:)

I have finished my excel spreadsheet. The problems that I had with excel was the formulas that you had to put in to make everything work correctly. To solve that problem I asked you for help and thats what I got.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November 2,2011

Today I finished my excel spread sheet. It looks fabulous!! I learned how to enter formulas in excel so all my work would come out correctly.

The Pieces of Excel?

The 7 pieces in excel are: cell, column, row, cell address, range, worksheet tab, mouse pointer. They are good to know:)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Basics of Excel

Excel is used for an array of different things. One of the things you can do in excel is make a spread sheet, or a spending money log. I haven't yet learned all the basics of excel, but I am sure I will soon. Go Excel:)

Monday, October 31, 2011

What I learned on the Last Day of October:)

What I learned today is how to play the game Cargo Bridge and create a layout page for the new game in excel. We didn't do much else and I didn't learn much else, except the the weird creature in Mexico means something with a goat.

What the Heck Is Excel

What I believe excel is, is a program to organize numbers and stats. You can use it for accounting and doing percentages.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

What Project I Enjoyed

The project I enjoyed the most in word was creating the poem or the brochures. I learned a lot more about word and all the things you can do with the program. I am now wondering what you are thinking to do in Excel?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What I learned/did on October 26, 2011

 I didn't technically learn anything new today. Instead I took a final test for Microsoft Word, so the class could go onto Excel. It was a good way to do a test!

I don't need help and I am done with everything!!!!

I am not rewriting yesterdays post, because I am at the same state just this time I am done with my brochure.

My post for October 25th

I have finished all my work, and am just working on a brochure for the coffee shop. Not much else is going on.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

What I learned October 25, 2011

I didn't learn anything today. We all just caught of late work. If we were done with everything we could work on other school related projects or make something in work. Today was not a productive day in Desktop Publishing.

Monday, October 24, 2011

What I learned on October 24, 2011

What I learned today in class, is that if you finish all your work (that means doing it correctly) on time that you get a reward. Unlike other classes where you end up just sitting in your seat and waiting for the other students to finish. You get to do stuff you want, but in the school rules. I learned "Do your work and then you can have fun."

What Drawing Tools Can Do

Drawing tools can help your projects look better. They can give your flyer, brochure, or other project a more professional look and not like a five year old created. The projects are better with these tools because it catches people's eyes and makes them remember.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

What I learned on October 20, 2011

I learned how to make the most out of a page of paper. To make a flyer make an impact on whowever is reading it. Also to use up an entire black page.

The 5 Steps of the Design Process

The 5 steps of the design process are layout, the people you are selling too, content, publication, and last but not least the purpose of the project.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

What I Learned October 19, 2011

I learned how to differentiate between a Rastor base and a Vector base, and then we did so review on the other things we have learned throughout the weeks. I understand most of it and feel smart:)

What is the Difference.

 Vector based is the lines, where Rastor is the pixels. You would want to use the Rastor like in word when you are writing in smaller fonts. You want to use Vector when making a poster with large images and fonts, so you can't see the small pixels.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

What I learned october 18, 2011

We didn't do anything that productive. Sat out and talked about our brochures and then the cover letter of another student. So not much happened, but maybe tomorrow something will.

Our Discussion

What I took away from yesterdays talk, was that we need to be more open in the classroom and discuss our concerns out loud. I think that I benefited our class in a big way, because now you know what we expect from you and what you know about how to teach. We need to help you out and at the same time you get to teach us.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What I accomplished today on October 11, 2011

 What I accomplished today is not very much, because I finished all my work yesterday. So worked on my other class's homework and then typed.

What Has Brochures Taught Me

What it has taught me is that you have to get people right off the starting block. You don't have time to dilly dally, you have to get them hooked. It has taught me that you have to do things correctly and you can half do anything. You have to make things appealing and make people want what you have.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Brochure Difficulties

The difficulties I found while I was making my brochure was getting enough information into the requirements I had to follow. Because I only had four pages (the first page being the front page) it was hard getting all the information I wanted into the the brochure. Another problem was finding a format that I liked, because I didn't know how to make one from scratch. I believe my brochure came out beautifully and is full of info.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


The hardest part of the brochure was getting the correct format for the brochure. I searched and searched and finally found an OK format. The easiest part of the brochure was deciding what place I wanted to choose. The most helpful thing I have learned from this assignment is presentation is everything, if it looks crappy they won't want to come there for their vacation.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

My Location Slogan

My slogan for Kremmling, CO is "A Sportsman's Paradise" because it has fishing, hunting, and much much more!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Brochure Location

The location I have decided upon is going to be right here in Kremmling, CO. I am going to do Kremmling because it is one place I know a lot about. Also because I know about all the things that you can do in Kremmling (i.e. fish, hunt, hike, mountain bike, run, swim, look at fall leaves, and much more) I will not tell you why you should book this vacation yet, I will let you look at my brochure when it is done and then you can decide whether you should take your next vacation here.

Monday, October 3, 2011

X Height

X height is the the picsals that make up a x and that determines the height of the font. To make text drop, you highlight the letter at the beginning of a paragraph then go to format then down to drop cap. To replace words you go to edit then down to replace then you can choose the the words that you want to replace.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

What I learned on September 29, 2011

I learned how to insert a picture in Word, how to replace the words in a paragraph, and also how to correct misspelled words in a paragraph. FUN DAY:)

My Resume

Tabor Scholl
311 Park Ave
Kremmling, CO 80459
(970) 724-3735


    To obtain a sales representative position for the Boulder, Denver, and Colorado Springs areas.


Colorado State University
·      Masters in Journalism
·      Bachelors in Business                                                               Graduated June 2011
·      GPA: 4.0

Work Experience

 Big Shooter Coffee and Ice Cream – Kremmling, CO Janurary2004-September2011
·      Worked as a Barista and Retailer
·      Developed new products for the business
·      Helped sales increase by 30% over one year

 Drowsy Water Ranch- Granby, CO       May 2009-August 2010
·      Director of the young adults activities
·      Advertiser for the ranch’s summer season
·      The desk operator

Scholl Ranches – Parshall, CO    February 1999-September 2011
·      Ranch hand and coordinator
·      Accountant for the ranch
·      Business Manager


·      Managing money
·      Keeping to a budget
·      Working well with others
·      Good at coordinating events
·      Keeping to a schedule
·      Hiring excellent employees

·      Shawn and Stephenie Scholl (owners of Big Shooter Coffee and Ice Cream)
        970-724-3735 or bigshootercoffee@gmail.com

·      Justin and Gretta Fosha (owners of Drowsy Water Ranch)

·      Duane and Patricia Scholl (owners of Scholl Ranches)
970-725-3471 or dpscholl@gmail.com

What Employers Look For.

What employers are looking for in my resume are the skills I obtain, and what experience I have in past jobs. They also look for how well my resume is written, because if there are mistakes they will just throw away my resume. I have to make sure my resume is perfect and that I have all the necessary information to get the job I am applying for.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Correct Answers to the Test

Here are the correct answers for the quiz.

#19. The correct answer to number 19 is b. 1,300. I know this because if you do the correct math you should come up with 1,300 and not 10,000 like I had done before.

#31. The answer to number 31 is f. how. I know this now because I didn’t look at all my chooses and also because in our 5WH there is no Which.

#36. The correct answer for number 36 is: Fair Use is material that is public domain. You cannot be in violation of copyright infringement when using the material that is fair use. You can check that be taking the quiz on the copyright website that we took a look at. The reason I didn’t get this question correct is that I had forgotten what fair use was.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My Resume and Why it is the Best

To make my resume stand out from the rest of the class, I am going to personalize it and put who I am into it and not some fake made up person. I am going to make it as perfect as I can get it and use relevant information in it.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Research of a Resume

Well I didn't do a whole lot of research about resumes, but mostly just looked at resume formats. What little I found out about resumes is that they need to include your previous jobs and what position you held at those jobs. Also what position you would like to have at the job your applying for. I feel what will help me the most is looking at other peoples work and how they conducted their resumes. I do better when I can see what in need to do, it just helps me learn better.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fix the Cover Letter Opening

 I think that my cover letter opening was OK, but not fantastic or glamourous. So I went back and changed the first sentence of my cover letter, but not the rest. Because I thought that the rest of the first paragraph pretty well written.

Tabor Scholl
311 Park Avenue
Kremmling, CO 80459
(970) 724-3735

Mr. Fluffy M. Sprinkles
Nike Store & Associates
400 H Street, S.E., Suite 502
Boulder, CO

Dear Mr. Sprinkles:
 I heard about the position you had open and I know that I would be the right person for the job hands down, no question. I am extremely interested in this position you are offering and I have the correct education and employment background for this position you are searching for. I am the person for the job and I will work hard to keep it that way.
   My previous jobs have included working at Drowsy Water Dude Ranch, Big Shooter Coffee, Scholl Ranches, and advertising for Steamboat Springs Running Series and the Big Shooter Bonk (A Nordic Ski event). I work excellent under pressure and have exceptional people skills.  I have experience in costumer service, being employed by a coffee shop, and do not mind working long hours or weekends. I am a very reliable person and will complete any task given to me and complete it correctly.
   I think that this job will enlighten my knowledge of sales and improve my work ethic. I would be honored to work for you and the Nike Company. Thank you for taking the time to read my cover letter and I hope I will be hearing from you soon. Attached to my cover letter is my resume and also the contact information of my past employers. I would be more than happy if you would like to have me come in for a meeting. I will be stopping by for a check up on October 18, 2011 to see what has transpired with the position. See you then.
 Tabor Scholl
Tabor Scholl

Monday, September 19, 2011

A Good Cover Letter

To create a good and professional cover letter you need to first set it up correctly and make sure it looks good and not sloppy. Then you need to say why you want the job and why you are the person for the job. After that tell what experience you have and tell a little about yourself. Make them want to read your resume and give them what they are looking for.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

My Wonderful Cover Letter

Tabor Scholl
311 Park Avenue
Kremmling, CO 80459
(970) 724-3735

Mr. Jericho M. Heiner
Nike Store & Associates
400 H Street, S.E., Suite 502
Boulder, CO

Dear Mr. Heiner:
   From the official Nike website I learned about your wishes to find a sales representative for the Boulder, Denver, and Colorado Springs areas. I am extremely interested in this position you are offering and I have the correct education and employment background for this very position you are searching for. I am the perfect person for the job and I will work hard to keep it.
   My previous jobs have included working at Drowsy Water Dude Ranch, Big Shooter Coffee, Scholl Ranches, and advertising for Steamboat Springs Running Series and the Big Shooter Bonk (A Nordic Ski event). I work excellent under pressure and have exceptional people skills.  I have experience in costumer service, being employed by a coffee shop, and do not mind working long hours or weekends. I am a very reliable person and will complete any task given to me and complete it correctly.
   I think that this job will enlighten my knowledge of sales and improve my work ethic. I would be honored to work for you and the Nike Company. Thank you for taking the time to read my cover letter and I hope I will be hearing from you soon. Attached to my cover letter is my resume and also the contact information of my past employers. I would be more than ecstatic if you would like to have me come in for a meeting. I am more or less open any time of the day. I will be stopping by for a check up on October 18, 2011 to see what has transpired. See you then
 Tabor Scholl
Tabor Scholl


Word applications can help you create cover letters, resume, essays, a sincere letter to your dear grandma, and layouts. It is important to create digital representations of these documents, because if something were to happen to the copy you made (like getting it torn up by your dog, or something else) you could go back to your computer and copy another one just like it without having to rewrite any of it.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What is copyright? How do we know?

Copyright is some piece of work that has been created and can not be duplicated by someone else and be sold as their own work. To check if we can use the material, we first need to know what we are using it for. Are we using it for research, is it educational, and is the work we are using copyrighted already.

Cover Letter

 A cover letter is a paper that has your credentials, accomplishments, and past work places. It goes on top of your resume and just explains what you are looking to do in the business and how you can contribute to the business and make it a better than it has been before. It is sort of an over view of your resume, that is to the point and not as lengthy as your resume.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Copyright Infringement

The case I found and read about was the Righthaven LLC vs. Las Vegas-Journal and the Denver Post. Righthaven is saying that the Las Vegas and Denver Post displayed on their websites material from his Realty One business newspapers without asking for authorization from Righthaven. In October, the litigation was put back when the U.S District Judge Larry Hicks in Reno, because he  dismissed Las Vegas- Journal from the lawsuit. Then on Feb.8 the clerk of the court said that he/she would enter judgement in favor of all three of the people involved with the lawsuit. The lawsuit then again has been postponed until further investigation of the copyright infringement. The scheduled date has been set for early october and the case should be closed.

What I have learned about copyright

What I have learned about copyright for desktop publishing, is that you have to reword what you create if it is someone else's. Otherwise you can become sued for using someone else's work and claiming it as your own.
 I have used Word for writing papers, such as essays, biography's, and other school related topics. But have not used it for much more than that. I think I will have a lot of learning to do and hope it will enlighten me about how to use it correctly.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Public Domain.

Public Domain includes songs, books, movies, legislation and much more, that can be used by others freely. In 1923 anything that was published for the people was public domain. But then in 1976, they
passed the Copyright Act, which gave anything created protection from copyright. Making a big task because the rules always changed for public domain. Right now The Center for the Public Domain is trying to protect public domain and its future ahead.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


What I believe copyright is, is whatever someone else has come up with in writing is off filaments. Meaning that you may not copy anything they have written without rewording it in your own way. If you do not reword it and write it off as your own, you can get arrested and put in jail.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

What I have learned.

What I have learned from these projects so far, is you have to catch people's eyes and get them to notice your business or product. I have also learned that you have to be confident in what your selling. Because if your not, customers won't want to buy your product because they see that your not confident in what you are selling.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Favorite project presented

I, in my opinion, though that Katie's was the best. It was funny, entertaining, and gave some information about the product that she was trying to sell us. The one thing I thought she missed was why I need the product and if it was cost effective.

Hidden Images

You have to know your client and/or  customers to know what they really want. In these images displayed the companies are secretly telling you what they have. So next time you look at a logo, try to find the hidden message if there is one.  

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs was founder and CO-owner of apple, inventing the ipod, ipodtouch, the ipad and much more. He was a excellent sales man and felt that college was a waste of his time. His partner in apple was Steve Wozniak, a high school friend. Together in Steve Jobs's parents basement they created apple. In 1985 Jobs was pushed out of apple and resigned form being chairman of the board at apple. Jobs then endeavored in two other companies, as a computer maker and the owner of Pixar. He then came back to apple and created all the ipod products. He resigned last night and has left footprints that will be in America's history forever  

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My favorite class

My favorite class in high school is English. I love the English language and I also love writing, because I can express my opinion. I can make my work my own and not someone else's. I can personalize it so people know thats its Tabor Scholl.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tabor's class time blog

 My name is Tabor Scholl and I am hoping to learn more about technology and how to use programs correctly.